Orchestrated Multi-Tenant® SaaS / PaaS Technology

IdeaFORGE® is developing and running in the next generation of SaaS / PaaS environments. Like a traditional SaaS / PaaS application, IdeaFORGE® is accessed 100% from a browser. The product is 100% thin and there are no plug‐ins required. Simple access to the internet with your standard up-to-date browser, that allows for JavaScript and Cookies from Iternal and Cloudflare Access are all that is required. However there are tremendous advantages to leveraging a Orchestrated Multi-Tenant® to serve the IdeaFORGE® Application.

Compared to traditional Multi-Tenant Applications which do not offer the same levels of security that are provided by single tenant applications that run behind a customer’s network firewall, IdeaFORGE’s Orchestrated Multi-Tenant® environment, also known as Orchestrated Tenancy™ (OT), or Orchestrated Tenant Infrastructure™ (OTI) provides the flexibility and advantages of a traditional multi-tenant environment, while also allowing for greater security commonly found with a single tenant environment.

SaaS Orchestrated Multi-Tenant® Environment benefits include:

Configuration and customization

Each customer may have its own settings (or: parameter values) for the configuration of IdeaFORGE. Customers can change an IdeaFORGE’s look-and-feel to align with the customer’s brand, including the setting of custom colors. 

Accelerated feature delivery

Our single software configuration allows for faster delivery of features and upgrades, following the “one code base” philosophy.

Open integration protocols via API

IdeaFORGE’s Orchestrated Multi-Tenant® environment allows customers to access a robust set of APIs to interface with their orchestrated database instances. These APIs make it fast and easy for customers to interact and customize their experience using the IdeaFORGE® technology.

Collaborative (and “social”) functionality to the extent you allow

Through our orchestrated customer environments, each customer will be able to set their own security levels, meaning your organization can be as open or strict when sharing data as required. You’ll benefit from being able to choose who has access to certain sets of data at the individual IdeaBlock level, for extreme granular control.

What is a Business Transformation Software?

A business transformation software is a software that can be deployed across all organizational departments and aligns the departments with information technology to accomplish traditional Business Transformation objectives like optimize processes and accelerate growth.