Eternal™ Content Update System

Eternal™ Content Update System
All enterprise organizations struggle with the same challenges when it comes to effectively propagating changes to a collection of documents. Most enterprise organizations manage hundreds of thousands or even millions of versions of key documents, all of which require updating over time. Iternal® Technologies’ has built the solution. Our patented software allows users to easily update a piece of content, in any media format, at a single source, and quickly propagate that change out to every document or file that uses the content in our system.
What is Eternal™ Content?
Eternal™ Content is Iternal® Technologies’ patented method for delivering accurate always up-to-date content to the user in every media format. Files and documents that have the Eternal™ Content technology enabled will automatically receive content updates whenever a Modular Component® IdeaBlock® is updated. Because our system organizes content at the Idea Level®, documents and files can be updated quickly at a highly granular level without further user interaction.
Using our Eternal™ Content Update system, out-of-date documents and content become a thing of the past as real-time updates are automatically pushed when content is modified using our proprietary technology.
More Information
For more information about purchasing the Eternal™ Content Update System please reach out to your LASER Team™ representative to learn about pricing and recommended technology integrations.