Earn Significant Commission and Unlock New Career Opportunities for Sales Leaders
Iternal’s Employment Bridge Program

Earn Significant Commission and Unlock New Career Opportunities for Sales Leaders
Iternal’s Employment Bridge Program

Earn up-to $50k on first $100k sold
for each Acq. Account!

Equitable Commission Formula with No Cap. Details below.

“Iternal Technologies unleashes competitive advantage through Enterprise AI and Automation solutions. We look forward to working with you to drive MASSIVE Outcomes® for our customers!”

John Byron Hanby IV Headshot

Dayne Turbitt Dell Technologies

“Dell generated over $650 Million in new opportunities, 10X the number of shots on goal, no incremental cost increase, proposal creation timelines of 3-6 weeks turned into 2 days of work, with my team of just 4 Dell Employees using Iternal.”


“Dell generated over $650 Million in new opportunities, 10X the number of shots on goal, no incremental cost increase, proposal creation timelines of 3-6 weeks turned into 2 days of work, with my team of just 4 Dell Employees using Iternal.”

Dayne Turbitt Dell Technologies

“Iternal Technologies unleashes competitive advantage through Enterprise AI and Automation solutions. We look forward to working with you to drive MASSIVE Outcomes® for our customers!”

John Byron Hanby IV Headshot

Get paid on every sale you make and every renewal.
No complex quota tiers. One definitive formula.
Absolute clarity.

Get paid on every sale you make and every renewal.
No complex quota tiers. One definitive formula.
Absolute clarity.

Iternal Solution Overview

Our solution enables customers to automate the creation of sales, marketing, and other types of content in any media format (Video, Audio, Luxury Brochures, Text, Slides), in any foreign language, using our patented AI and Automation. Iternal can securely deploy our solution globally in less than 6 hours and meet all Fortune 50 IT security requirements.  No three, six, or eighteen month configuration.  Iternal is sold to customers via a consumption model with an average ROI of 10X and an annual purchase amount of $1M+ for the Fortune 2000.

Watch this 5 Minute Technology Demo Video to Learn More

Introducing the Employment Bridge Program

We are excited to announce an employment bridge program which provides outstanding talent the opportunity to earn significant commission and a path to employment for part time or full time contract based sales work. The program will enable you to eliminate gaps in your resume, align yourself with a cutting-edge technology company, and provide new opportunities to grow and develop your skills.

Iternal Solution Overview

Our solution enables customers to automate the creation of sales, marketing, and other types of content in any media format (Video, Audio, Luxury Brochures, Text, Slides), in any foreign language, using our patented AI and Automation. Iternal can securely deploy our solution globally in less than 6 hours and meet all Fortune 50 IT security requirements.  No three, six, or eighteen month configuration.  Iternal is sold to customers via a consumption model with an average ROI of 10X and an annual purchase amount of $1M+ for the Fortune 2000.

Watch this 5 Minute Technology Demo Video to Learn More

Introducing the Employment Bridge Program

We are excited to announce an employment bridge program which provides outstanding talent the opportunity to earn significant commission and a path to employment for part time or full time contract based sales work. The program will enable you to eliminate gaps in your resume, align yourself with a cutting-edge technology company, and provide new opportunities to grow and develop your skills.

Earn up-to $50k on first $100k sold.
Equitable Commission Formula with No Cap. Details below.

Commission Table and Path to Employment

The Commission Table and Path to Employment will be provided after your application is review accepted.

Iternal Certified Independent Contractor Onboarding Timeline

  • Complete the Application survey form (15 minutes)
  • Schedule and complete Interviews (2 hours)
  • Sales Certification Training (4 – 10 hours)
  • Sales Certification Training Testing (1 hour)
  • Once complete you are ready to start selling.

Training Materials

  • To be provided after passing the interviews.

Program Details

  • Program Details and Contract Terms to be provided after your application is reviewed and accepted and your initial interview is completed. This webpage may update without notice and is non-binding. Your contract with Iternal will solidify the proposed terms.

Commission Table and Path to Employment

The Commission Table and Path to Employment will be provided after your application is review accepted.

Iternal Certified Independent Contractor Onboarding Timeline

  • Complete the Application survey form (15 minutes)
  • Schedule and complete Interviews (2 hours)
  • Sales Certification Training (4 – 10 hours)
  • Sales Certification Training Testing (1 hour)
  • Once complete you are ready to start selling.

Training Materials

  • To be provided after passing the interviews.

Program Details

  • Program Details and Contract Terms to be provided after your application is reviewed and accepted and your initial interview is completed. This webpage may update without notice and is non-binding. Your contract with Iternal will solidify the proposed terms.

Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies and Iternal Technologies


NVIDIA and Iternal Technologies

Dell Technologies

Dell Technologies and Iternal Technologies


NVIDIA and Iternal Technologies


NVIDIA and Iternal Technologies
AMD Personalized Event Invitation Example PDF

Earn up-to $50k on first $100k sold.
Equitable Commission Formula with No Cap. Details below.

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