Graphic Designed RFP Proposal Automation Sales Enablement2022-05-02T22:56:19+00:00

Graphic Designed RFP Proposal Automation Sales Enablement

Graphic Designed RFP Proposal: An analysis of our customer base shows an average reduction in time of 99% to generate an output in this format. Automation through IdeaFORGE results in an average time savings of 248 hours per output in this format, and an average work product acceleration of 99x the legacy method.

Iternal’s platform allows users to easily select Modular Components® of content called IdeaBlocks® and quickly assemble them into a desired output fully automated.

Automate 40-70%

Graphic Designed RFP Proposal PDF Content Creation

Save ≈92%

of Time and Information, Content, and
Knowledge related OPEX

What’s Graphic Designed RFP Proposal Sales Enablement

Highly customized and beautifully illustrated proposals are traditionally reserved for the most valuable customers and opportunities due to their highly specialized technical and creative requirements as well as the cost associated with producing. Often times these documents will use a specialized graphic design program like Adobe InDesign to produce the final output.

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Automating Sales Enablement

Iternal’s Graphic Designed RFP Proposal Automation Sales Enablement capability accelerates sales teams by automating the curation and assembly of key business information, subject matter expertise, and on-brand accurate up-to-date content across all foreign languages.

Due to the increased complexity each final output document often takes multiple weeks or even months to produce. There is a substantial “wow” factor in this media format but often times the extremely high cost and long timelines make it too high of a luxury for more fast moving organizations.

  • High Touch RFP Proposals are seen as a “Luxury” due to their high focus on artistic qualities. These proposals can use the same content as a standard proposal but often have a much higher emphasis on font sizes, text layout, graphics, diagrams, and images that increase page length to an average of 15 – 70 pages per proposal. This roughly equates between 100 and 300 IdeaBlocks in length in the extended document style.
  • Adobe InDesign requires extensive and specialized training as well as creative talent to execute on the vision. Specialists in Adobe InDesign are often billed out at ≈$200 per hour by creative agencies due to the complexity of the application.
  • Adobe InDesign is an incredibly versatile application, but the versatility and complexity also makes working in the application much slower than in a basic text editing tool. Often times work times are compounded by 2 – 3 times compared to basic text editing tools. Therefore making edits, proof reading, modifying and moving proposal sections, all take much longer.
  • Adobe InDesign is a dedicated application that users must have installed on their computer and not widely accessible by an entire team, so only a select few can work on the document.
  • Revisions of Adobe InDesign often take substantially more effort as making comments or redlines and highlighting work in progress sections is much more complex and not easy to interact with.
  • Concurrent work on the same Adobe InDesign document is not a viable option so it becomes a merry-go-round of work with no concurrent work benefits.

*Numbers are approximated based on average metrics from use cases with previous customers, actual numbers may vary by customer depending on use case and number of IdeaBlocks.

MASSIVE Outcome® Statistics


Velocity Acceleration

248 Hours

Saved per Output Automated


Reduction in Time


Avg. per Hour of Effort Automated

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Understanding Sales Enablement Software

Here you will find additional information on Sales Enablement and why it is important to your organization’s sales team’s success. Further information can also be found on sales enablement software and sales enablement tools to accelerate your sales team. Sales enablement software allows your team to manage all your sales information, content, knowledge, material, and data in a centralize location where it can be easily curated, retrieved, and accessed. The goal is to provide the seller with the right information, at the right time, in the right language.

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